Last updated on October 23rd, 2023 at 03:40 pm

Night Nurse

Night Nurse is made by combining the genetics of BC Hash Plant, Harmony, and Fire OG. It is commonly used to fight anxiety, stress, insomnia, and chronic pain. Are you having trouble sleeping? This strain provides a polite balance of relaxing cerebral and body effects, making it the perfect nighttime sleeping aid. The flavor is similar to a super-strong cup of coffee with a spicy exhale. The aroma becomes floral, with hints of coffee and earth accented by sweet kush. Night Nurse buds are oversized and super dense, with bright neon green pepper-shaped nugs with sparse orange hairs and lots of tiny golden crystal trichomes.

also known as “Nurse Night”
THC 18-21% 

THC Level


Relaxed 76%
Sleepy 84%
Hungry 63%


Chestnut 93%
Sage 72%
Spicy 88%
Medical Use

Medical Use

Anxiety 80%
Insomnia 85%
Stress 78%

Strain Lineage

BC Hashplant

Strain Lineage

Fire OG
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